Объекты, где автором является "Aloian G. A."

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Количество объектов: 17.


Aloian G. A., Denisov D.A., Grishchenko I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. “Precise measurements of the low optical absorption coefficients of massive lithium triborate crystal boules with untreated facets formed during the growth process”. APPLIED OPTICS , 2022 , 61 (36). С. 10802-10806. ISSN 2155-3165

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Grishchenko I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. «Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy of Piezoelectric Crystals under Non-Uniform Heating». Acoustical Physics , 2022 , 68 (5). С. 427-434.

Karpova T.K., Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Ryabushkin O. А. «Mathematical modelling of optical radiation transport in biological tissues under the conditions of moveable integrating spheres registration». Journal of Physics: Conference Series. , 2021 , 2090 (1). 012026.

Karpova T.K., Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Ryabushkin O. А. «Determination of egg yolk optical properties at various temperatures using modified integrating spheres method». International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO-2020) , 2020 .

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Mukhankov D.M., Ryabushkin O. А. «Equivalent temperature concept in laser physics and its correspondence with thermodynamic temperature». Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing , 2019 , 1391 (1). 012024.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Mukhankov D.M., Ryabushkin O. А. «Optical properties of biological tissues evaluation with a hybrid goniometer and integrating-sphere technique and Monte Carlo mathematical modelling». Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing , 2019 , 1391 (1). 012025.

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance laser calorimetry for an optical testing of crystal boules". Proceedings – International Conference Laser Optics , 2018 .

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Absorptance testing of massive nonlinear optical crystal boules of polyhedron shape". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10684. 106841N-106841N-9.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance spectroscopy for measuring surface temperature distribution of optical materials interacting with laser". Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 , 2018 , 10684. 106841S-106841S-8.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Konyashkin A. V., Rуabushkin O. A. "Equivalent Surface Temperature of Optical Elements Interacting with Laser Irradiation". KnE Energy & Physics , 2018 , 3 (3). С. 32-37.

Доклад на конференции или семинаре

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Ryabushkin O. А., Nikitin D. G., Konyashkin A. V. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Determination of Low Optical Absorption of Massive Polyhedron Nonlinear-Optical Crystal Boules". In: 8th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE, 02-07 September, 2018, Barcelona, Spain , р. 24.

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric resonance laser calorimetry for measuring surface temperature of optical materials interacting with laser radiation". In: International Conference Laser Optics, 04 Jun – 08 Jun 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia , р. 68.

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarsina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Determination of Low Optical Absorption Coefficients of Polyhedron Crystal Boules". In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress, 26-28 march 2018, Strasburg, France

Kovalenko N. V., Aloian G. A., Shebarsina I. V., Konyashkin A. V., Ryabushkin O. А. "Surface Temperature Distribution of Optical Materials Heated by Laser Irradiation". In: OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress, 26-28 march 2018, Strasburg, France

Ryabushkin O. А., Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Shebarshina I. V., Konyashkin A. V. "Piezoelectric Resonance Laser Calorimetry for Optical Absorptance Testing of Crystal Boules". In: International Scientific Conference, CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, 29 July - 03 August, 2018, Hong Kong

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Khabushev E. M., Ryabushkin O. А. "Optical Absorption Properties of Massive Nonlinear-optical Crystal Boules of Polyhedron Shape". In: The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-24), 21-25 August 2017, Tokyo, Japan , С. 17-02.

Aloian G. A., Kovalenko N. V., Khabushev E. M., Ryabushkin O. А. Surface and volume equivalent temperature of crystals in arbitrary shape for piezoelectric resonance laser calorimetry. In: PIERS 2017, 22-25 May 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia. , PIERS , С. 1556-1557.

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