Объекты, где автором является "Alff Lambert"

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Количество объектов: 9.


Gölden Dominik, Zhang Hongbin, Radulov Iliya, Dirba Imants, Komissinskiy Philipp, Hildebrandt Erwin, Alff Lambert Evolution of anisotropy in bcc Fe distorted by interstitial boron. Physical Review B , 2018 , 97 (1). ISSN 2469-9950

Guhl Conrad, Kehne Philipp, Ma Qianli, Tietz Frank, Alff Lambert, Komissinskiy Philipp, Jaegermann Wolfram, Hausbrand René In-operando photoelectron spectroscopy for batteries: Set-up using pristine thin film cathode and first results on NaxCoO2. Review of Scientific Instruments , 2018 , 89 (7). 073104. ISSN 0034-6748

Radetinac Aldin, Ziegler Jürgen, Vafaee Mehran, Alff Lambert, Komissinskiy Philipp Growth and interface engineering in thin-filmBa0.6Sr0.4TiO3/SrMoO3heterostructures. Journal of Crystal Growth , 2017 , 463. С. 134-138. ISSN 00220248

Radetinac Aldin, Zimmermann Jörg, Hoyer Karoline, Zhang Hongbin, Komissinskiy Philipp, Alff Lambert Optical properties of single crystalline SrMoO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics , 2016 , 119 (5). 055302. ISSN 0021-8979

Mani Arzhang, Nikfalazar Mohammad, Muench Falk, Radetinac Aldin, Zheng Yuliang, Wiens Alex, Melnyk Sergiy, Maune Holger, Alff Lambert, Jakoby Rolf, Komissinskiy Philipp Wet-chemical etching of SrMoO3 thin films. Materials Letters , 2016 , 184. С. 173-176. ISSN 0167577X

Dirba Imants, Komissinskiy Philipp, Gutfleisch Oliver, Alff Lambert Increased magnetic moment induced by lattice expansion from α-Fe to α′-Fe8N. Journal of Applied Physics , 2015 , 117 (17). р. 173911. ISSN 0021-8979

Zhu Mingwei, Komissinskiy Philipp, Radetinac Aldin, Wang Zhanjie, Alff Lambert Joint effect of composition and strain on the anomalous transport properties of LaNiO3 films. Journal of Applied Physics , 2015 , 117 (15). р. 155306. ISSN 0021-8979

Retzlaff Reiner, Buckow Alexander, Komissinskiy Philipp, Ray Soumya, Schmidt Stefan, Mühlig Holger, Schmidl Frank, Seidel Paul, Kurian Jose, Alff Lambert Superconductivity and role of pnictogen and Fe substitution in 112-LaPdxPn2(Pn=Sb,Bi). Physical Review B , 2015 , 91 (10). ISSN 1098-0121

Radetinac Aldin, Mani Arzhang, Melnyk Sergiy, Nikfalazar Mohammad, Ziegler Jürgen, Zheng Yuliang, Jakoby Rolf, Alff Lambert, Komissinskiy Philipp Highly conducting SrMoO3 thin films for microwave applications. Applied Physics Letters , 2014 , 105 (11). р. 114108. ISSN 0003-6951

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