Объекты, где автором является "Aleksandrov D.V."

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Количество объектов: 4.

Volkov V.A., Dubrov M.N., Larionov I.A., Mrlina J., Polak V., Aleksandrov D.V., Golovachev S.P. Atmosphere and lithosphere interaction could triggered the 2023 Mw 7.8 Turkey earthquake. In: Solar-terrestrial relations and physics of earthquakes precursors: XIII International Conference. Collection of the Abstracts, September 25 – 29, 2023, Paratunka, Kamchatka , IKIR FEB RAS, ISBN 978-5-6045275-2-8 , С. 231-232.

Bulatov I.S., Korobov N.A., Aleksandrov D.V., Dubrov M.N. Investigation of characteristics of interferogram visibility in three-mirror laser interferometric rangefinder. Journal of Radio Electronics , 2022 , 2022 (5). ISSN 16841719

Minin Iu.B., Aleksandrov D.V., Dubrov M.N., Fedorov M.V. Investigation of high-precision laser instrument for fabrication of integrated circuits and monitoring of seismic and gravitational processes. Проблемы разработки перспективных микро- и наноэлектронных систем (МЭС) , 2021 (4). С. 182-186. ISSN 2078-7707

Dubrov M.N., Aleksandrov D.V. Generation of Coupled Modes in an Unmatched Three-Mirror Laser Cavity. JETP Letters , 2018 , 107 (6). С. 338-344. ISSN 0021-3640

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