Electroacoustic waves in a PT-symmetric piezoelectric structure near the exceptional point

Vilkov E.A., Byshevski-Konopko O.A., Temnaya O.S., Kalyabin D V, Nikitov S. A. Electroacoustic waves in a PT-symmetric piezoelectric structure near the exceptional point. Technical Physics Letters , 2022 . ISSN 1063-7850

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The spectral properties of gap electroacoustic waves in PT-symmetric piezoelectric structures of symmetry class 6 are investigated theoretically. It was found out that, at a certain level of loss and gain in piezoelectrics, the symmetric and antisymmetric modes intersect. The intersection point defines an exceptional point of the PT-symmetric structure. It was shown that the frequency dependence of the amplitude at the exceptional point has an extremely narrow resonance peak, which opens up the possibility of creating supersensitive sensors based on PT-symmetric physical structures. Keywords: PT-symmetry, piezoelectrics, electroacoustic waves, gap structure.

Тип объекта: Статья
Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Вилков Е.А., Бышевский-Конопко О.А., Темная О.С., КалябинД.В., Никитов С.А.
Подразделения (можно выбрать несколько, удерживая Ctrl): 166 лаб. электронно-плазменных приборов СВЧ
251 лаб. исследования физических явлений на поверхности и границах раздела твердых тел
URI: http://cplire.ru:8080/id/eprint/8466

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