Gindikin Yasha, Sablikov Vladimir A.
Dynamics of One-Dimensional Electrons With Broken Spin–Charge Separation.
physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters
, 2017
, 2017.
1700313-1- 11700313-4.
ISSN 18626254
Spin–charge separation is known to be broken in many physically interesting one-dimensional (1D) and quasi-1D systems with spin–orbit interaction because of which spin and charge degrees of freedom are mixed in collective
excitations. Mixed spin–charge modes carry an electric charge and therefore can be investigated by electrical means. We explore this possibility by studying the dynamic conductance of a 1D electron system with image-potential-induced spin–orbit interaction. The real part of the admittance reveals an oscillatory behavior versus frequency that reflects the collective excitation resonances for both modes at their respective transit frequencies. By analyzing the frequency dependence of the conductance the mode velocities can be found and their spin–charge structure can be determined quantitatively.
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Dynamics of One-Dimensional Electrons With Broken Spin–Charge Separation. (deposited 29 Дек 2017 06:29)
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