Ytterbium porphyrins complexes and nanocomposites on their base for NIR-luminescent diagnostics and magneto-luminescent theranostics of tumours

Shilov I.P., Ivanov A.V., Rumyantseva V.D., Alekseev Yu.V., Ryabov M.V., Gorshkova A.S. Ytterbium porphyrins complexes and nanocomposites on their base for NIR-luminescent diagnostics and magneto-luminescent theranostics of tumours. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. , 2020 , 1679. С. 1-6. ISSN 1679

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Официальный URL: https://doi: //10.1088/1742-6596/1679/2/022031.


Promising ytterbium porphyrins complexes (YbPC) and nanocomposites on its base for NIR-luminescent diagnostics and magneto-luminescent cancer theranostics are presented. The considered complexes are very promising substances for the cancer luminescent diagnostics (LD) in the NIR spectrum region (800–1100 nm). For LD of malignant tumors of the skin and mucous membranes, a pharmaceutical composition of the «Fluroscan» type was developed. It has been established that YbPC can also be used as one of the main components of the nanocomposites created for cancer theranostics, including magneto-luminescent theranostics (MLT). For the purposes of MLT, a 3-component nanocomposite was developed, consisting of a polymer matrix (Lexan type), a diagnostic substance based on the ytterbium complex of hematoporphyrin IX tetramethyl ester, and a therapeutic FeOx component.

Тип объекта: Статья
Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Шилов И.П., Иванов А.В., Румянцева В.Д., Алексеев Ю.В, Рябов М.В., Горшкова А.С.
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