Nonlinear Optical Microscopy of Interface Layers of Epitaxial Garnet Films

Maydykovskiy Anton, Temiryazeva Marina, Temiryazev Alexey, Murzina Tatiana Nonlinear Optical Microscopy of Interface Layers of Epitaxial Garnet Films. Applied Sciences , 2023 , 13 (15). р. 8828. ISSN 2076-3417

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The structure of magnetic domains is an exciting research object that shows an enormous variety of delightful patterns. Epitaxial garnet is one of the most studied magnetic dielectrics with well-recognized bulk domains, while the magnetic composition at the surface is less investigated. Here we apply the nonlinear optical microscopy technique for the visualization of the interface magnetic domains of 10 �m thick (LuBi)3Fe5O12 film and prove that it is qualitatively similar for both garnet/air and garnet/substrate interfaces. As an efficient extension of the second harmonic generation microscopy, we suggest and demonstrate the possibilities of the third harmonic generation one, which provides higher resolution of the method.

Тип объекта: Статья
Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Майдыковский Антон, Темирязева Марина, Темирязев Алексей, Мурзина Татьяна
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