Radio occultation retrievals of zonal wind speed at the high-latitude atmosphere of the Venus

Gubenko V.N., Kirillovich I.A., Pavelyev A.G. Radio occultation retrievals of zonal wind speed at the high-latitude atmosphere of the Venus. Proceedings of The Eighth Moscow Solar System Symposium (8M-S3) , 2017 . С. 226-228.

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The available data indicate a zonal wind rotation of the Venus’s atmosphere from East to West. The wind speed changes almost monotonically with altitude, reaching about 100 m/s at the level of the upper cloud layer. The cyclostrophic balance approximation and the results of temperature and pressure determination from the radio occultation (RO) data of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter were also used to determine the zonal wind profiles by [1, 2]. The zonal wind speed at altitudes from 40 to 80 km in the latitude range from 15° to 85° under the assumption of the Northern and Southern hemispheres symmetry was determined by [1]. The authors of this work indicated that the radio occultations used in their study had been carried out, in general, in the Southern hemisphere at low latitudes and in the Northern hemisphere at high latitudes. Nevertheless, they did not exclude the possibility of hemispheric asymmetry at high latitudes. In this connection, it is interesting to determine the zonal wind speeds for the Northern and Southern hemispheres, separately.

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Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Губенко В.Н. Кириллович И.А. Павельев А.Г.
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