Antireflecting Coatings for Glass Based on Monolayers of Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles

Еськин С.В., Кособудский И.Д., Жималов А. Б., Ушаков Н.М., Кульбацкий Д.М., Герман С.В., Музалев П.А. Antireflecting Coatings for Glass Based on Monolayers of Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles. Glass Physics and Chemistry , 2013 , 39 (4). С. 409-413.

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The results of investigations into monolayered antireflective coatings based on silicon dioxide (sil ica) nanoparticles obtained according to the zolgel technology using a simple and efficient technique of dip ping into a zol of sodalime glass are presented. The influence of silicazol synthesis parameters and the size of the deposited nanoparticles on the structure and properties of the obtained coatings are revealed.

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