2D single focus frequency scanning array focused in the Fresnel zone

Bankov S.E. 2D single focus frequency scanning array focused in the Fresnel zone. Журнал радиоэлектроники , 2017 (10). ISSN 1684-1719

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2D single-focus arrays of elementary radiators with frequency scanning focused in the Fresnel zone are considered. A problem of the array synthesis is solved for the arrays of different types. The proposed solution determines coordinates of the elementary radiators located in the planar aperture. An approximate analysis of the electromagnetic field radiated by the array of the radiators assuming specified currents is presented. The currents are formed by a system of parallel transmission lines loaded with the elementary radiators. Traces of focal spots movement in two dominant scanning planes - in parallel and perpendicular to the transmission lines axes - are investigated. Scanning curves determined for the field strength maximum and for the radiation efficiency maximum are obtained.

Тип объекта: Статья
Подразделения (можно выбрать несколько, удерживая Ctrl): 113 лаб. электродинамики композиционных сред и структур
URI: http://cplire.ru:8080/id/eprint/5044
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