Processing and characterization of lead-free ceramics on the base of sodium–potassium niobate

Politova E.D., Golubko N.V., Kaleva G.M., Mosunov A.V., Sadovskaya N.V., Stefanovich S.Yu., Kiselev D.A., Kislyuk A.M., Panda P.K. Processing and characterization of lead-free ceramics on the base of sodium–potassium niobate. Journal of advanced dielectrics , 2018 , 8 (1). 1850004-8 -1850004-1.

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Lead-free sodium–potassium niobate-based piezoelectric materials are most intensively studied in order to replace the widely used Pb-based ones. In this work, the effects of modification of compositions by donor and acceptor dopants in the A- and B-sites of perovskite lattice on structure, dielectric, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties of ceramics from Morphotropic Phase Boundary in the (1 � x)(K0:5Na0:5)NbO3–xBaTiO3 system and in compositions with x ¼ 0:05 and 0.06 additionally doped by Ni3þ cations have been studied.

Тип объекта: Статья
Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Политова Е.Д., Голубко Н.В., Калева Г.М., Мосунов А.В., Садовская Н.В., Стефанович С.Ю., Киселев Д.А., Кислюк А.М., Панда П.К.
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