Geoecological information-modeling system as a tool for global environmental diagnostics

Krapivin V.F., Soldatov V.Yu., Nitu C., Dumitraşcu A. Geoecological information-modeling system as a tool for global environmental diagnostics. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science - CSCS21, Vol.1, 29-31 May 2017, Bucharest, Romania , Proceedings IEEE Computer Society, Conference Publishing Services (CPS), 2017 , С. 721-724.

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New information–modeling technology is developed, to be as a tool for the diagnostics of climate-nature-society system with the view of sustainable development strategies. The questions of environmental monitoring system synthesis are discussed with the use of different instrumental means. Complex of models and algorithms is listed to be as a base of information-modeling technology. Examples of simulation modeling results are given to demonstrate the possibilities of proposed information-modeling system. Keywords—ecology, modeling system, environmental diagnostics

Тип объекта: Доклад на конференции или семинаре (Доклад)
Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Крапивин В.Ф., Солдатов В.Ю., Ниту К., Димитраску А.
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