Characteristics and saturation degree of IGWs in the Earth’s atmosphere derived from high-resolution radiosonde measurements of horizontal wind and temperature: Applications to the RO wave studies

Gubenko V.N., Kirillovich I.A., Pavelyev A.G., Salimzyanov R.R., Pavelyev A.A. Characteristics and saturation degree of IGWs in the Earth’s atmosphere derived from high-resolution radiosonde measurements of horizontal wind and temperature: Applications to the RO wave studies. In: International Workshop for Probing Atmosphere and Climate (OPAC–IROWG 2013), 5 – 11 September, Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz near Graz, Austria , Programme and Abstract Book, P. 84, report published in , р. 84.

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Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Губенко В.Н., Кириллович И.А., Павельев А.Г., Салимзянов Р.Р., Павельев А.А.
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