KUZMIN D. A., BYCHKOV I. V., SHAVROV V. Speckle-Pattern Rotation of Light in Graphene-Coated Gyrotropic Optical Fiber D. A. KUZMIN I. V. BYCHKOV V. SHAVROV. . INTERMAG 2015 DIGESTS BOOK, IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Beijing, China, May 11 – 15, 2015 , 2015 (GS-06).
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It is well known, that when light is travelling into the gyrotropic medium, its polarization plane rotates due to Faraday effect. In [1] the possibility of observable speckle-pattern (radiation distribution at cross-section of the fiber) rotation of light passed through the gyrotropic optical fiber placed in longitudinal magnetic field has been predicted. It has been shown as well, that modes corresponding to the meridional rays are mainly responsible for the rotation of the speckle-pattern. This effect has been observed experimentally for linearly polarized light travelling through low-mode quartz fiber placed in longitudinal magnetic field [2]. Theoretical explanations of the effect based on peculiarity theory approach have been made in works [3, 4]. Method of detecting magnetic field variation based on rotation of the speckle-pattern has been proposed and implemented experimentally [5]. Nowadays, great attention of researchers is attracted by graphene. Graphene layer can support both TE- and TM- polarized highly localized surface plasmon polaritons. Multilayer graphene-based structures have a number of interesting properties, including waveguide ones. Structures based on graphene and gyrotropic materials have features as well. Present work is devoted to investigation of fiber core coating by graphene layer influence on the speckle-pattern rotation. Investigation showed the possibility of inverse speckle-pattern rotation of linearly polarized light in such a fiber. This effect can be controlled be chemical potential of graphene layer. Investigated features may have both fundamental interest (interaction of light polarization with its trajectory) and various practical applications (determining the properties of graphene by the angle of the speckle-pattern rotation, for photonics and optoelectronics devices, etc.).
Тип объекта: | Статья |
Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: | Кузьмин Д.А., Бычков И.В., Шавров В. |
Подразделения (можно выбрать несколько, удерживая Ctrl): | 192 лаб. магнитных явлений в микроэлектронике |
URI: | http://cplire.ru:8080/id/eprint/1949 |
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