Future Venus exploration: mission Venera-D

Zasova L.V., Korablev O.I., Martynov M.B., Basilevsky A.T., Gavrik A.L., Gerasimov M.V., Gotlib V.M., Gromov V., Eismont N.A., Ekonomov A.P., Ignatiev N.I., Khavroshkin O.B., Klimov S.I., Ksanfomaliti L.V., Lipatov A.N., Liash A., Linkin V.M, Mitrofanov I.G., Moshkin B.E., Petrucovich A.A., Rodin A.V., Skalsky A.A., Tuchin A.G, Vaisberg O.L., Zastenker G.N. Future Venus exploration: mission Venera-D. In: 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014, August 2–10, 2014, MGU, Moscow, RF

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Venus was actively studied by Soviet and US missions in 60-90-th years of the last century. The investigations carried out both from the orbit and in situ were highly successful. After a 15-year break in space research of Venus, the ESA Venus Express mission, launched in 2005, successfully continues its work on orbit around Venus, obtaining spectacular results. However,many questions concerning the structure and evolutions of the planet Venus, which are the key questions of comparative planetology and very essential for understanding the possible evolution of the terrestrial climate, cannot be solved by observations only from an orbit. Venera-D includes orbiter, lander, subsatellite, long living station on the surface. Venera-D is focused for both in situ and remote investigations of Venus of surface and atmosphere, as well plasma environment and solar wind interaction. Practically all experiments for Venera-D, will be provided by international teams. A Russia-US Venera-D Joint Science De�nition Team has been formed in February 2014 to recommend a possible collaborative and coordinated implementation by considering the common aspects of Venera-D mission as presently de�ned, as well as the Venus Climate Mission recommended by the US Academies Decadal Survey of Planetary Science and the Venus Flagship mission studied by NASA in 2009. The team will provide its report by March 2015 and will likely lead to a coordinated or joint call for instruements and/or mission elements.

Тип объекта: Доклад на конференции или семинаре (Доклад)
Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Засова Л.В.,Кораблёв О.И.,Мартынов М.Б.,Базилевский А.Т., Гаврик А.Л.,Герасимов М.В.,Готлиб В.М.,Громов В.,Айсмонт Н.А., Экономов А.П.,Игнатьев Н.И., Хаврошкин,Климов С.И., Ксанфомалити Л.В.,Липатов А.Н., Лях А.,Линкин В.М., Митрофанов И.Г.,Мошкин Б.Е.,Петрукович А.А.,Родин А.В., Скальский А.А.,Тучин А.Г.,Вайсберг О.Л.,Застенкер Г.Н.
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