Venus investigations after Venus Express: mission Venera-D

Zasova L.V., Zelenyi L.M., Korablev O.I., Martynov M.B., Pichkhadze K.M., Vorontsov V.A., Voron V.V., Elkin K.S., Marov M.Ya., Basilevsky A.T., Gavrik A.L., Gerasimov M.V., Gotlib V.M., Gromov V., Ekonomov A.P., Ignatiev N.I., Khavroshkin O.B., Ksanfomaliti L.V., Lipatov A.N., Liash A., Mitrofanov I.G., Moshkin B.E., Rodin A.V., Skalsky A.A., Tuchin A.G., Vaisberg O.L., Zastenker G.N. Venus investigations after Venus Express: mission Venera-D. In: Eleventh Meeting of the Venus Exploration Analysis Group, November 19–21, 2013, Washington, USA , С. 1-11.

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Scientific goals of the Venera-D mission Investigation of the structure and chemical composition of the atmosphere, including abundances and isotopic ratios of the light and noble gases; Thermal structure of the atmosphere, winds, thermal tides and solar locked structures; Clouds, structure, composition, microphysics, chemistry; Chemical analysis of the surface material, study of the elemental composition of the surface, including radiogenic isotopes; Study of interaction between the surface and atmosphere, search for volcanic and seismic activity; search for lightning; Study of the dynamics and nature of superrotation, radiative balance and nature of the enormous greenhouse effect; Investigation of the upper atmosphere, ionosphere, electrical activity, magnetosphere, escape rate

Тип объекта: Доклад на конференции или семинаре (Доклад)
Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Засова Л.В.,Зелёный Л.М.,Кораблёв О.И.,Мартынов М.Б.,Пичкадзе К.М.,Воронцов В.А.,Ворон В.В.,Ёлкин К.С.,Маров М.Я.,Базилевский А.Т.,Гаврик А.Л.,Герасимов М.В.,Готлиб В.М.,Громов В., Экономов А.П.,Игнатьев Н.И.,Хаврошкин О.Б.,Ксанфомалити Л.В.,Липатов А.Н.,Лях А.,Митрофанов И.Г.,Мошкин Б.Е.,Родин А.В.,Скальский А.А.,Тучин А.Г.,Вайсберг О.Л.,Застенкер Г.Н.
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