Venera-9,-10 and Venera-15,-16 occultation data: proposals for updating a model of Venus ionosphere (VIRA)

Gavrik A., Bondarenko M., Gavrik Yu., Kopnina T. Venera-9,-10 and Venera-15,-16 occultation data: proposals for updating a model of Venus ionosphere (VIRA). In: The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2–10 August 2014, Lomonosov Moscow State University , Committee on Space Research

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This work aims at obtaining useful properties of Venusian ionosphere by re-examining dual-frequency occultation data from Venera-9,-10,-15, and -16 missions. High precision analysis of Venusian ionosphere was ensured by both high stability and coherence of radio signals with 32 cm and 8 cm wavelengths, and the fact that the 32 cm radio signal is highly sensitive to refraction on layered ionospheric structures. Occultation experiments in Venera-9, -10, -15, and -16 missions covered solar zenith angles between 10 and 90 degrees in daytime, and between 90 and 166 degrees at night. 189 electron density pro�les were obtained from the data. These results demonstrate that ionosphere is highly susceptible to changes in solar zenith angles and solar activity levels. Daytime ionosphere is highly variable above 170 km in altitude. Electron density profiles frequently vary from a fully developed ionosphere which has ionopause at 1000 km to a compressed ionosphere with ionopause at 250 km. The main electron profile maximum usually lies within a few kilometres of the 142 km altitude point. The lower maximum is usually located approximately 13 km below. The lower boundary of daytime ionosphere can exist in the 80-100 km interval. We also detected interdependent oscillations of the neutral and ionized medium between 60 and 115 km. Nighttime ionosphere also varies strongly. Electron density profiles may frequently have 2 peaks. The altitude of the main maximum (142 km) is close to that of the daytime ionosphere; the lower peak lies in the 120-130 km interval. No ionization below 110 km was observed. The obtained results can serve to improve our understanding of the properties of Venusian ionosphere and atmosphere. This work is partially supported by Program 22 of the Presidium of RAS.

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Авторы на русском. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ!: Гаврик А., Бондаренко М., Гаврик Ю., Копнина Т.
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