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1.      Nikolay V. Kolotinskiy, Victor K. Kornev, Daniil E. Bazulin, and Oleg A. Mukhanov. Bi-squid loading. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29(5):1601405�1�1601405�5, 2019.

2.      V. K. Kornev, N. V. Kolotinskiy, D. E. Bazulin, and O. A. Mukhanov. High linearity bi-squid: Design map. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(7):1601905, 2018.

3.      Victor K. Kornev and Nikolay V. Kolotinskiy. Resonances and phase locking in josephson high-q circuits. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(4):1500905, 2018

4.      Victor K. Kornev, Nikolay V. Kolotinskiy, Alexey V. Sharafiev, Igor I. Soloviev, and Oleg A. Mukhanov. Broadband active electrically small superconductor antennas.Superconductor Science and Technology, 30(10):103001, 2017.

5.      V. K. Kornev, N. V. Kolotinskiy, A. V. Sharafiev, I. I. Soloviev, and O. A. Mukhanov. From single squid to superconducting quantum arrays. Low Temperature Physics, 43(7):829�836, 2017. 

6.      Victor K. Kornev, Alexey V. Sharafiev, Igor I. Soloviev, Nikolay V. Kolotinskiy, and Oleg A. Mukhanov. A guide to active antennas based on superconducting quantum arrays. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(3):1400104, 2016. 

7.      V. Kornev, A. Sharafiev, N. Kolotinskiy, and O. Mukhanov. Microwave dynamics of superconducting quantum cell. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 25(3):1602306, 2015.

8.      Victor K. Kornev, Nikolay V. Kolotinskiy, Daniil E. Bazulin, Oleg A. Mukhanov, "High-Inductance bi-SQUID," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, v. 27, No. 4, p.  1601304 (5 pp.), 2017; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2016.2631427

9.      Victor K. Kornev, Nikolay V. Kolotinskiy, Anna Yu. Levochkina, Oleg A. Mukhanov, "Critical current spread and thermal noise in bi-SQUID cells and arrays," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 27, No. 4, p. 1601005  (5 pp.), 2017; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2016.2632125

10.  Victor K. Kornev, Alexey V. Sharafiev, Igor I. Soloviev, Nikolay V. Kolotinskiy, Oleg A. Mukhanov, "Dimensional Effects Affecting the Linearity of Active Superconducting Antennas", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, v. 26, No. 3, 2016, p. 1500605 (5 pp); doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2016.2541608 

S.V. Bakurskiy , N.V. Klenov , T.Yu. Karminskaya , M.Yu. Kupriyanov , V.K. Kornev, "Current-Phase Relation in Josephson Junctions with Complex Ferromagnetic/Normal Metal Interlayers," In: Superconductors and Superconductivity, Editors: Dr. Stanislav Kolisnychenko,, series: Specialized Collections, Trans Tech Publications, 2015, vol. 4, pp. 508-511;  doi: http://dx.doi.org/%20ISBN-13:%20%20978-3-03835-903-6

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4. M. A. Galin, A. M. Klushin, V. V. Kurin, S. V. Seliverstov, M. I. Finkel, G. N. Goltsman, F. Muller, T. Scheller and A. D. Semenov "Towards local oscillators based on arrays of niobium Josephson junctions," Superconductor Science and Technology (2015), Superconductor Science and Technology, 28(5), 055002. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0953-2048/28/5/055002/meta

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6.  Seliverstov, S. V. et al, "Terahertz heterodyne receiver with an electron-heating mixer and a heterodyne based on the quantum-cascade laser", Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 60(7), Dec. 2017, 518-524. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11141-017-9822-y

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E-mail: vdovin@ipfran.ru



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5)        Bubnov G. M. et al. Searching for New Sites for THz Observations in Eurasia //IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. � 2015. � . 5. � �. 1. � . 64-72.

6)        Tarasov M., Sobolev A., Gunbina A., Yakopov G., Chekushkin A., Yusupov R., Lemzyakov S., Vdovin V. and Edelmand V., �Annular Antenna Array Metamaterial with SINIS bolometers�, (2019) Journal of Applied Physics (Q2, WoS), V.25, #17

7)        Tretyakov, I.V., Anfertyev, V.A., Revin, L.S., Kaurova, N.S., Voronov, B.M., Vaks, V.L., Goltsman, G.N., "Sensitivity and Resolution of a Heterodyne Receiver Based on the NbN HEB Mixer with a Quantum-Cascade Laser as a Local Oscillator", (2018) Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 60 (12), pp. 988-992

8)        Tarasov M., Gunbina A., Mansfeld M., Yakopov G., Chekushkin A., Yusupov R., Lemzyakov S., Edelman V. and Vdovin V., �SubTHz arrays of planar antennas with SINIS bolometers for BTA�, (2018) EPJ Web of Conference, V.195

9)        Tarasov M., Gunbina A., Mansfeld M., Yakopov G., Chekushkin A., Yusupov R., Lemzyakov S., Edelman V., and Vdovin V., �Arrays of annular cryogenic antennas with SINIS bolometers and cryogenic receivers for SubTHz observatories�, EPJ Web of Conferences, V.195

10)    Sobolev A.S., Beiranvand B., Chekushkin A.M., Kudryashov A.V., Tarasov M.A., Yusupov R.A., Gunbina A., Vdovin V.F., Edelman V., �Wideband metamaterial-based array of SINIS  bolometers� EPJ Web of Conferences, V.195

11)    Anfertev, V., Vaks, V., Revin, L., Pentin, I., Tretyakov, I., Goltsman, G., "High resolution THz gas spectrometer based on semiconductor and superconductor devices", (2017) EPJ Web of Conferences, 132, art. no. 02001. impact-factor = 1.56, eISSN: 2100-014X

12)    Tret�yakov I.V., Kaurova N.S., Voronov B.M., Anfert�ev V.A., Revin L.S., Vaks V.L., Gol�tsman G.N. �The influence of the diffusion cooling on the noise band of the superconductor NbN hot-electron bolometer operating in the terahertz range� Technical Physics Letters, Volume 42, Issue 6, 1 June 2016, Pages 563-566

13)    Vdovichev, S. N.; Vdovin, V. F.; Klimov, A. Yu.; Mukhin, A. S.; Nozdrin, Yu. N.; Rogov, V. V. MICROWAVE COOLED MICROBOLOMETERS BASED ON CERMET Si-Cr FILMS, RADIOPHYSICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS; 2017. v. 59 N 8-9, p. 727-733  

14)    Vdovichev, S. N.; Vdovin, V. F.; Klimov, A. Yu; Mukhin, A. S.; Rogov, V. V.; Udalov, O. G Cermets as a Versatile Artificial Material for the Fabrication of Cooled Microbolometers for the Microwave Range, JOURNAL OF SURFACE INVESTIGATION, 2016. v. 10, N 2, p. 455-457

15)    Kinetic Inductance Detectors for the OLIMPO experiment: in--flight operation and performance. S. Masi, P. de Bernardis, A. Paiella, V. Vdovin et al.   Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2019 DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2019/07/003


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