Head: Doctor of Sciences, Professor Vladimir G. Shavrov, e-mail: |
Main directions of fundamental researches:
1. Wave processes in magnetic media and structures.
Head: Prof. V.G. Shavrov, PhD V.I.Scheglov.
2. New functional materials with shape memory effect and giant magnetocaloric effect.
Head: Dr. of Sci. V.V. Koledov.
3. Magnetooptics of composite nanomaterials.
Head: PhD V.A.Kotov .
4 . Magnetic sensors.
Head: P.M.Vetoshko.
Main directions of application and development works:
1. Micro- and nanomechanical tools with shape memory effect for scientific researches, electronics and biomedical technology.
Head: Dr. of Sci. V.V. Koledov,
PhD A.V.Irzhak.
2. Nanostructured nickel-titanium alloy for medicine.
Head: Dr. of Sci. V.V. Koledov,
V.S. Kalashnikov.
3. Dental implants with shape memory effect.
Head: Dr. of Sci. V.V. Koledov,
Educational activities:
Scientific - Educational Center (SEC) "Magnetoelectronics & Nanophysics"
Head: Prof. V.G.Shavrov.
Joint laboratories:
1. Research Laboratory "Physics of Magnetic Phenomena"
Chelyabinsk State University & Kotelnikov IRE RAS.
Co-directors: Prof. V.D. Buchelnikov, Prof. V.G.Shavrov.
2 . Educational Scientific Laboratory "Magnetic Electronics".
Novgorod State University & Kotelnikov IRE RAS.
Co-directors : Prof. M.I. Bichurin , Prof. V.G.Shavrov
Innovation activity:
1. LLC «Innovation Stomatology Center «Nano-Dent», Moscow.
2. LLC "Perspective nanotechnologies", Moscow.
3. «Innowledgement» GmbH , Dortmund, Germany.