
Academician Yuri V. Gulyaev,

Scientific Supervisor of
Kotelnikov IRE RAS

Research activity

Starting in 1960 he worked at the Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE) of USSR  (later Russian) Academy of Sciences as a Researcher, Senior Researcher and Head of the Department. He served as Deputy Director since 1972, Director of IRE RAS since 1988, and Scientific Supervisor of  Kotelnikov IRE RAS since 2014.

Academician Yu.V. Gulyaev is a famous scientist in the field of radio-engineering, electronics and computer science, one of the creators of new areas of solid state physics and engineering – acousto-electronics, acousto-optics, spin-wave electronics. In 1968, Yu.V. Gulyaev independently and simultaneously with the American physicist J. Blustein predicted and studied a new fundamental type of surface acoustic waves known as the Blustein-Gulyaev waves. These and other works by Yu.V. Gulyaev in the field of acousto-electronics led to the emergence of a new direction in the information processing technique, communications, radar.

Yu.V. Gulyaev made a great contribution to the development of acousto-optics and its practical applications. He was one of the organizers of the research and practical application of fiber-optic systems in communications and in other fields of science and technology in Russia.

Yu.V. Gulyaev made a great contribution to the development of spin-wave (magnetic) electronics. He predicted the existence of so-called “second spin waves” in ferromagnetic (an analogue of the 2nd sound in liquid helium, predicted by LD Landau) and built their hydrodynamic theory.

Yu,V,Gulyaev leads research in the field of biomedical electronics aimed at developing methods for non-invasive early medical diagnostics.


Yu.V.Gulyaev is the author of more than 700 scientific papers and 11 monographs, and has about 100 patents.

The number of publications over the past 5 years - 115, including:

Web of Science - 39

Scopus - 44

Rusan Index of Science Citation - 95


Web of Science - 20

Scopus - 20

Russian Index of Science Citation - 31

International Scientific Awards 

  • In 1979 Gulyaev was awarded the Europhysics Prize of European Physical Society.

  • In 2006, he was awarded the IEEE Rayleigh Award for  outstanding past and continuing contributions to acoustoelectronics, acoustooptics, microwave acoustics, and surface acoustic waves.

  • He has the grade IEEE Fellow.


Russian State and Scientific Awards

  • For his scientific and organizational work Gulyaev was awarded the State Awards of the USSR and the Russian Federation 8 times.

  • He was awarded 5 orders of the Russian Federation.

  • In 1995, he was awarded the A.S. Popov Gold Medal of Russian Academy of Sciences for his works in the field of radio-engineering and electronics.

  • He is the winner of the Konstantinov Scientific Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences for his work in the field of electronics and informatics.


Scientific societies

Chairman of the A.S.Popov Scientific and Technical Society (Russia).

Member of the IEEE Organizing Committee.

President of the URSI Russian Member Committee

President of the International Union of Scientific and Technical Societies.

Educational activity

Since 1972, Yu.V. Gulyaev has headed the Department of Solid-State Electronics, Radiophysics and Applied Information Technologies of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and he has trained more than 100 candidates of science (PhD).

Work in scientific journals

Editor-in chief:

Journal of Communication technology and Elactronics

Biomedical Radio Electronics (Biomeditsinskaya Radiorlrktronika)

Journal of Radio Electronics (Zhurnal radioelrctroniki)

Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics (Izvestaya VUZ. Prikladnaya nelineynaya dinamika)

Science and Technology in Industry

Member of the editorial board:


Doklady Physics

Technical Physics Letters

Semiconductors and others (total - 14 journals)

since 07.04.2016